Northland JC Foundation

Getting Involved
2015 KC Armed Forces - Military Expo
Financial Grants
About Us
Contact Us
Sponsors &; Contributors
Getting Involved
Board of Directors and Officers
Events & Activities
Prostate Cancer Education & Awareness

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. We are involved in a very diverse organization. We sponsor, support and host many activities throughout the year. Please consider volunteering for one or more of our activities. It is meaningful and rewarding work,, and the benefits to our community are great.

Volunteer Your Time

Please consult our Activities and Events page to see where you can volunteer.

Contact David Page at 816 436 1555 for more information.

Register for an Upcoming Event

Fun activities are a great way to get people involved. Here we might describe some of our organization's activities and include a link to the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page.

Make a Donation

The Northland JC Foundation is a 501(c)3 not for profit foundation. Any contributions to our organization, by individuals or corporate entities, are tax deductable.

We will greatly appreciate any assistance that you may be able to provide in securing financial support.